Sunday, November 3, 2013

[Deaf Arab] دعوة للمشاركة في مؤتمر جمعية مترجمي لغة الإشارة البريطانيين

دعوة للمشاركة بأوراق عمل في
مؤتمر جمعية مترجمي لغة الإشارة البريطانية
سبتمبر 27 - 28, 2014 م

عنوان المؤتمر
Professionalism – Lifting the Lid on Interpreting

محاور المؤتمر:
  • آداب المهنة والقيم
  • تشجيع الاحتراف
  • التمكن
  • الخدمات العامة
  • العلاقات مع زملاء العمل والعملاء والمجتمع
  • Research informed practice
  • التنظيم والتسجيل
اللغات الرسمية للمؤتمر:
  • اللغة الإنجليزية
  • لغة الإشارة البريطانية
من لا يجيد اللغات الرسمية للمؤتمر عليه أن يحضر معه مترجمه الخاص
للمزيد من المعلومات وارسال أوراق العمل ، يرجي التواصل مع اللجنة المنظمة للمؤتمر على الإيميل التالي

Call for Presenters

Dear Colleagues,

Association of Sign Language Interpreters (ASLI) are pleased to announce that the next conference will be held at The Lowry, Pier 8 Salford Quays, M50 3AZ, United Kingdom on 27 and 28September 2014.

We are now inviting proposals for presentations and workshops, addressing the theme:

Professionalism – Lifting the Lid on Interpreting

The conference seeks to bring together the latest in research, theory and practice from across interpreting and should promote inquiry, invite dialogue, build knowledge and encourage practitioner engagement with the concept of professionalism.

The scientific committee now invites proposals that will engage participants that are at the start of their profession career and those that have many years experience. We are looking to focus the following broad themes:

Ethics and values                                                      
Encouraging professionalism
Continuing competence
Public service
Relationships with co-workers, colleagues, clients and community
Research informed practice
Regulation and registration
The list indicative and we will be pleased to receive proposals on other topics related to the professionalism theme.

All workshop sessions will be one hour long including group participation, Presentations will be allocated one hour plus an additional hour for group discussion. 
All papers must be presented in English or British Sign Language, any presenter using a different spoken or signed language must provide their own interpreters.
Submissions must be received by 28 February 2014 and include;
  • Brief CV or biography of presenter(s)
  • Brief abstract including how it addresses the concept of professionalism. Maximum length one page.
For further information or to submit a proposal, please email:

Twitter: @HendAlshowaier
Join our mailing list: Deaf Arab

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