Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Re: [Deaf Arab] Stop Israeli Massacres Against PWDs In Palestine

السلام عليكم أيها الأخوات والأخوة. . ان أفضل طريقه لمساعده الأخوة في غزه بما انني أعيش واعمل في أمريكا هي عبر الاعلام الغربي للتأثير بالمواطنين.كوننا عاجزين عن الرد العسكري.  لان الأخبار هنا تظهر ان سبب ما يحدث هو دفاع اسرائيل عن نفسها. ولا يتم ذكر عد من مات للمقارنه بين الطرفين وإنما يتم إعطاء رقم اجمالي يجعل المستمع يعتقد ان عدد القتلى هو من الجانبين. ان الاستنكار والشجب والتنديد لا ولن يفيد. كنت أتمنى  ان نشاهد الدول العربية خاصه الثريه منها تنفق واحد بالألف مما تنفقه اسرائيل على الاعلام في البلاد الغربية. 
مع تحياتي للجميع. 
طريف بكداش.   

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 14, 2014, at 1:48 PM, Hissa <hbk563@gmail.com> wrote:

مساء الخير. جهده 

تحياتي عزيزتي 

أشكركم جزيل الشكر لإعداد هذا البيان

الهام جداً في هذه المرحلة الصعبة جداً. 

هل تم أعداد وبث بيان باللغة العربية. 

ارجو ذلك 

كما ارجو ان نعمل جميعا لوضع هذا البيان على كل وسائل الاعلام و وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعي.  

شكرًا لكم على كل الجهود المبذولة. 

تقديري وتحياتي

حصه ال ثاني

Sent from my iPhone

On ١٤‏/٠٧‏/٢٠١٤, at ١٠:٥٣, "jahdaak@hotmail.com" <jahdaak@hotmail.com> wrote:

Statement from the Arab Organization of Persons with Disability (AOPD)


AOPD condemns in the strongest words the bombardment by the Israeli army of an institute for persons with disability in Gaza.  This bombardment is in total violation of all United Nations treaties and human rights conventions.   The life and safeguard of civilians during armed conflicts should be secured.  Accordingly,  AOPD calls on the United Nations and the international community to intervene and condemn this barbarous act and asks to call for justice all persons that prove to be responsible for this atrocious act.  AOPD considers the two women with disability that lost their life as martyrs and asks all organizations of persons with disability to join us in condemning this act and put pressure on their government to get a United Nations resolution of condemnation to this bombardment and calling for an end to all the violence that is taking place in the region.  AOPD calls on different United Nations agencies to honor item 11 of the CRPD who calls for the respect of the rights of persons with disability in the case of emergency and wars.  AOPD also recalls the responsibility of occupying forces towards the safety and rights of persons with disability in occupied territories.   

-------- Original message -------- Subject: [Deaf Arab] Stop Israeli Massacres Against PWDs In Palestine From: Mohammed Barakat To: deaf-arab@googlegroups.com CC:

Dear Colleagues,


With every dawn, and every evening the Israeli army committing new massacre in the Gaza Strip- Palestine.

The new massacre  occurred today ( Saturday ) morning, when Israeli warplanes bombarded an association for Palestine disabled in the northern of Gaza Strip.

Ashraf Qedra, the spokesman Ministry of Health in Gaza, said two girls were killed and several others were injured in the Israeli shelling on the Palestine orphanage society for the disabled in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip.

He said that all the victims of the bombing on the society are females, indicating that the association's headquarters Populated by a group of people with disabilities.

He pointed out that he has been transferred a number of injuries to the Shifa Hospital due to their serious injuries and to complete the necessary treatment for them.


We hope your solidarity & support to stop these terrible crimes


Best regards


Lawyer Mohammed Barakat

Chairman of Disabled Without Borders Organization / Palestine 


Lawyer / Mohammed Barakat
Chairman of ( Disabled Without Borders Organization )
Tel:       ( 00970-2-2954453 )
Fax:      ( 00970-2-2954454 )
Mobile: ( 00970-597232009 )
E-mail:   barakatdw@yahoo.com
Website :
Ramallah - Palestine

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