Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Re: [Deaf Arab] Re: المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لأبحاث علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة

أخوتي وأخواتي أعضاء مجموعة الصم العرب

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

أحببت تذكيركم بالمؤتمر الدولي الرابع للغة الإشارة والذي سيقام في نيو دلهي - الهند في الفترة ١٧ - ١٩ ديسمبر  ٢٠٠٩ م وسيكون هناك ورشة عمل تسبق المؤتمر في ١٦ ديسمبر. فعلى الراغبين في خضور المؤتمر سرعة التسجيل

رابط المؤتمر


برنامج المؤتمر يتضمن ثلاث محاور رئيسية:

١. علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة
٢. تعليم الصم ، ثقافة الصم ، مجتمع الصم
٣. جلسة خاصة: لغة الإشارة ، علم اللغويات ، ومجتمعات الصم في جنوب آسيا

هذا المؤتمر سنوي ويقام للمرة الأولى خارج أوروبا وباذن الله سيتنقل في بقية الدول ويهدف لتشجيع الدول التي لم توثق لغاتها المؤشرة على البدء بتوثيق لغاتها ومساعدتها في المشروع وتمكين الأشخاص الصم في الدول النامية. والأولوية في استضافة المؤتمر هي للدول التي لم توثق لغاتها المؤشرة.

أي دولة عربية ترغب باستضافة هذا المؤتمر العلمي الهام يمكنهم الاتصال بالدكتورة أولرايك زيشان مديرة مركز دراسات الصم ولغة الإشارة في جامعة
University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
Preston, UK



Hend Al Showaier
Program Manager - Deafness Program
Prince Salman Center for Disability Research 
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mailing address (Home) :
P.O. Box 26031
Riyadh 11486, Saudi Arabia.

--- On Wed, 4/15/09, Hend Al-Showaier <hend220@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Hend Al-Showaier <hend220@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Deaf Arab] Re: المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لأبحاث علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة
To: deaf-arab@googlegroups.com
Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 12:12 PM

الأخوة والأخوات أعضاء مجموعة الصم العرب


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته


لقد تم تمديد موعد استلام ملخصات أوراق العمل للراغبين بالمشاركة بأوراق عمل في المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لأبحاث علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة نظراً لتوافق الموعد القديم مع إجازة عيد الفصح. المواعيد الجديدة:


آخر موعد لاستلام ملخصات أوراق العمل: 25 أبريل 2009 م

موعد التبليغ بقبول المشاركة: 5 مايو 2009 م


وللتذكير المؤتمر سيقام في نيو دلهي - الهند

التاريخ: 17 - 19 ديسمبر 2009 م

لغة المؤتمر: لغة الإشارة الدولية واللغة الإنجليزية المكتوبة. إن تم إضافة لغات أخرى سأبلغكم


ولأهمية المؤتمر وحرصي أن يحضره أكبر عدد من العرب سأعيد نسخ الاعلان:


New Delhi, India
Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers

Date: 17-19 December 2009 (+ pre-conference workshop 16 December)
Place: Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi, India
Organisers: Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi – International Centre for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies, Preston, UK – Ishara Foundation, Mumbai – Deaf Empowerment Foundation, The Netherlands


SIGN4 will take place on 17-19 December 2009 at Indira Gandhi National Open University in New Delhi, India. This is the fourth conference in the yearly series which began under its previous label "CLSLR" in 2006. It has been decided to change the name of the conference to SIGN, and to host SIGN4 outside Europe for the first time in 2009.

The aims of the SIGN4 conference are:

1. To broaden the international research base in sign language linguistics and deaf studies.
2. To bring together experienced researchers and promising junior researchers in the areas of sign languages and deaf studies at an international level.
3. To encourage the potential for increasing transnational cooperation in research on sign languages and deaf studies.
4. To include a special focus on the South Asian region as part of the conference.


We invite contributions to the following SIGN4 sessions:

Session 1: Sign language and linguistics

• Studies on any aspect of linguistic structure with respect to individual sign languages or cross-linguistic comparative
sign language studies.
• Research
on undocumented or under-documented sign languages (incl. minority sign languages, village sign languages, sign languages in developing countries, dialects, etc.).
• Reports on emerging sign language linguistics in regions without substantial previous research on sign languages.
International sign language research cooperation (bi- and multilateral, models, networks, implementation).
Sign language research tools, technologies and methodologies (e.g. corpus, transcription tools, databases, fieldwork resources)
• Sign language endangerment and the emergence of new sign languages.
• Ethical issues in sign language research.

Session 2: Community, Culture and Deaf Education

Sociolinguistic and anthropological studies
• Country reports on the community and culture of Deaf people
• Relationships between sign language researchers and Deaf communities
• Policy development for sign languages, Deaf communities, and Deaf education
• Education of the deaf (methodologies, bilingualism, the role of sign language in Deaf education, and the like).
Sign language interpreting and related issues.

Special session: Sign Language, Linguistics and Deaf communities in South Asia.

• Sign language linguistics in South Asia (project reports, resource development, sign linguistics research, dictionaries, video materials development, etc)
• New developments, emerging research, and their impact on Deaf communities
• Government policies and Deaf advocacy on sign language recognition and linguistic rights of Deaf people
• Education of the Deaf in South Asia (reflections on problems, research based implementation plans, etc.)
• Research and regional cooperation in South Asia.

SLOTS for presentations in all sessions are 50 minutes (40 minutes presentation and 10 minutes questions/discussion).

CONFERENCE LANGUAGES are International Sign and Indian Sign Language; the language of written communication is English. Spoken language interpreting will not be available. Presentations must be in International Sign or in Indian Sign Language.


Submissions should be in International Sign or Indian Sign Language. If you are unable to submit a signed abstract, e.g. for technical reasons, we can exceptionally accept your abstract in English. Submissions are limited to two abstracts per person as single and/or joint author. Submission options are:

a) Send a video submission of max. 5 minutes in International Sign or Indian Sign Language as email attachment to sign4conference@uclan.ac.uk
b) Post your video submission to the iSLanDS Centre postal address:
International Centre for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Livesey House - LH213
University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom

We can deal with all common video standards.
c) For submitting in English, email your abstract (500 words maximum) to sign4conference@uclan.ac.uk


Without fee waiver: US$ 80
With fee waiver: US$ 15
Fees include admission to all sessions during the pre-conference workshop and the conference, conference pack, morning and afternoon tea/coffee and lunch. Application guidelines for fee waivers will be posted separately.

International participants can book accommodation in the International Guesthouse on University campus. Room charges (twin-share) are US$ 40 for three nights. Details on room booking will be posted separately.

Submission of abstracts: 15 April 2009
Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2009
Submission of fee waiver applications: 15 July 2009
Deadline for registration: 15 October 2009

Prof. Susan Fischer, University of California at San Diego
Waldemar Schwager, MA, University of Hamburg
Prof. P.R. Ramanujam,
Indira Gandhi National Open University
. Jun Hui Yang, Deaf Studies, UCLan
Prof. Ulrike Zeshan, iSLanDS Centre, UCLan

Further details will be announced on a SIGN4 conference website in February/March.

Hend Al Showaier
Coordinator, Deaf and Sign Language Program
Prince Salman Center for Disability Research 
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mailing address (Home) :
P.O. Box 26031
Riyadh 11486, Saudi Arabia.

--- On Thu, 1/29/09, Hend Al-Showaier <hend220@yahoo.com> wrote:
From: Hend Al-Showaier <hend220@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Deaf Arab] المؤتمر الدولي الرابع لأبحاث علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة
To: "Deaf Arab" <deaf-arab@googlegroups.com>
Date: Thursday, January 29, 2009, 3:13 AM

اعــــــلان هــــــام


المؤتمر الدولي الرابع في

أبحاث علم لغويات اللغات المؤشرة


ديسمبر 17 - 19 / 2009 م + ورشة عمل تسبق المؤتمر

في 16 ديسمبر 2009 م

نيو دلهي - الهند


التفاصيل في الاعلان التالي وسنوافيكم بالمزيد من التفاصيل عن هذا المؤتمر




Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers


Date: 17-19 December 2009 (+ pre-conference workshop 16 December)

Place: Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi , India

Organisers: Indira Gandhi National Open University, New Delhi – International Centre for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies, Preston, UK – Ishara Foundation, Mumbai – Deaf Empowerment Foundation, The Netherlands




SIGN4 will take place on 17-19 December 2009 at Indira Gandhi National Open University in New Delhi , India . This is the fourth conference in the yearly series which began under its previous label "CLSLR" in 2006. It has been decided to change the name of the conference to SIGN, and to host SIGN4 outside Europe for the first time in 2009.


The aims of the SIGN4 conference are:

  1. To broaden the international research base in sign language linguistics and deaf studies.
  2. To bring together experienced researchers and promising junior researchers in the areas of sign languages and deaf studies at an international level.
  3. To encourage the potential for increasing transnational cooperation in research on sign languages and deaf studies.
  4. To include a special focus on the South Asian region as part of the conference.


We invite contributions to the following SIGN4 sessions:


Session 1: Sign language and linguistics


  • Studies on any aspect of linguistic structure with respect to individual sign languages or cross-linguistic comparative sign language studies.
  • Research on undocumented or under-documented sign languages (incl. minority sign languages, village sign languages, sign languages in developing countries, dialects, etc.).
  • Reports on emerging sign language linguistics in regions without substantial previous research on sign languages.
  • International sign language research cooperation (bi- and multilateral, models, networks, implementation).
  • Sign language research tools, technologies and methodologies (e.g. corpus, transcription tools, databases, fieldwork resources)
  • Sign language endangerment and the emergence of new sign languages.
  • Ethical issues in sign language research.


Session 2:  Community, Culture and Deaf Education


  • Sociolinguistic and anthropological studies
  • Country reports on the community and culture of Deaf people
  • Relationships between sign language researchers and Deaf communities
  • Policy development for sign languages, Deaf communities, and Deaf education
  • Education of the deaf (methodologies, bilingualism, the role of sign language in Deaf education, and the like).
  • Sign language interpreting and related issues.


Special session: Sign Language, Linguistics and Deaf communities in South Asia .


  • Sign language linguistics in South Asia (project reports, resource development, sign linguistics research, dictionaries, video materials development, etc)
  • New developments, emerging research, and their impact on Deaf communities
  • Government policies and Deaf advocacy on sign language recognition and linguistic rights of Deaf people
  • Education of the Deaf in South Asia (reflections on problems, research based implementation plans, etc.)
  • Research and regional cooperation in South Asia .


SLOTS for presentations in all sessions are 50 minutes (40 minutes presentation and 10 minutes questions/discussion).


CONFERENCE LANGUAGES are International Sign and Indian Sign Language; the language of written communication is English. Spoken language interpreting will not be available. Presentations must be in International Sign or in Indian Sign Language.


SUBMISSION guidelines


Submissions should be in International Sign or Indian Sign Language. If you are unable to submit a signed abstract, e.g. for technical reasons, we can exceptionally accept your abstract in English. Submissions are limited to two abstracts per person as single and/or joint author. Submission options are:


a) Send a video submission of max. 5 minutes in International Sign or Indian Sign Language as email attachment to sign4conference@uclan.ac.uk

b) Post your video submission to the iSLanDS Centre postal address:

International Centre for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Livesey House - LH213
University of Central Lancashire
United Kingdom

We can deal with all common video standards.

c) For submitting in English, email your abstract (500 words maximum) to sign4conference@uclan.ac.uk




Without fee waiver: US$ 80

With fee waiver: US$ 15

Fees include admission to all sessions during the pre-conference workshop and the conference, conference pack, morning and afternoon tea/coffee and lunch. Application guidelines for fee waivers will be posted separately.


International participants can book accommodation in the International Guesthouse on University campus. Room charges (twin-share) are US$ 40 for three nights. Details on room booking will be posted separately.


Important deadlines:

Submission of abstracts: 15 April 2009

Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2009

Submission of fee waiver applications: 15 July 2009

Deadline for registration: 15 October 2009


Academic committee:

Prof. Susan Fischer, University of California at San Diego

Waldemar Schwager, MA , University of Hamburg

Prof. P.R. Ramanujam, Indira Gandhi National Open University

Dr. Jun Hui Yang, Deaf Studies, UCLan

Prof. Ulrike Zeshan, iSLanDS Centre, UCLan


Further details will be announced on a SIGN4 conference website in February/March.






Prof. Ulrike Zeshan
Director, International Centre for Sign Languages and Deaf Studies
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Livesey House, LH212
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR12HE, UK
Ph. +44-1772-893104

Hend Al Showaier
Coordinator, Deaf and Sign Language Program
Prince Salman Center for Disability Research 
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Mailing address (Home) :
P.O. Box 26031
Riyadh 11486, Saudi Arabia.

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/deaf-arab?hl=en.

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